"Every gardener keeps growing with his garden."

Martin Gerhard Reisenberg

rainwater storage for garden use and plants

It´s not only functional but modern as well to use rainwater - as a present from above - for garden and household!


Outdoor-showers and fountains, pools, the plants in your garden -
all of them and many more need water in hot days.


Especially in summer time a lot of water is needed - and normally this water is valuable freshwater. 

Seldom but nowadays again more often seen is water stored in rain barrels or cisterns.

Stored rainwater is good for environment and wallet - but after some time, without enough movement to bring oxygen into - good water turns bad.

Who wants to harvest fruits in future,
shell protect the roots getting withered.

Peter Amendt - Franziskaner


Hot summer - less water – no problem.

Catch the rain and keep it:

  • constant water quality
  • crystal clear
  • benefit for plants


Basierend auf dem Prinzip der Elektrolyse durch die patentierte  Bor-dotierte Diamant Elektrode kommt das Verfahren aus dem Hochtechnologie-bereich für eine grüne Zukunft auch im eigenen Garten zum Einsatz.

Basierend auf wissenschaftlichen Forschungen zum und nach jahrelange erfolgreichen Tests und Versuche gilt der Rain-Fresher als optimale Lösung für die gesund-Erhaltung von Wasser.  


  • without any chemicals added
  • maintenance-free
  • ecological
  • sustainable

Dr. Wolfgang Staber

CEO pro aqua

# because every drop counts.



Rain-Fresher for

service water storage in
